Sunbathing cause of cancer

Beach Sunbathing
No doubt that sunbathing is better for health. Especially for pregnant women. Something to think about to be aware of National Sunscreen Day and move into the summer months full of out-of-doors activity. According to The Skin Cancer Foundation, a person's risk for melanoma doubles if he or she has had more than five sunburns at any age.

Sadly sunscreen can actually cause of cancer. One really good thing is to only go into the sun before 11am and after 3pm. You still get the rays but the flaming type burning rays are way lower. Also types of foods eaten, like high fat foods, literally make you cook. Cover up is best with a hat or a long sleeved white cotton shirt and beach umbrella if you must be at the beach or working outside all day. Another, if you must use sunscreen, choice one that is not waterproof and truly natural. Be sure to protect yourself and your family by using sunscreen lotion (at least SPF 30 sunscreen, which blocks nearly 97 percent of UVB heat), wearing hats and monitoring the amount of time spent in the open air.

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